Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stupid Pain Killers

It's been a week since my surgery and I am honestly surprised at how little I actually hurt. As long as I don't make any sudden movements and don't stretch my arms too far, the pain is pretty minimal. I've been taking pain killers a couple of times a day and they help, but they make me seriously loopy. And, it turns out that one of the side effects of the pain killers is insomnia, which would explain why I haven't slept in two days. Tonia and Helen came to see me yesterday and took me to lunch. I don't remember half of what I said, I'm pretty sure I sounded like an idiot most of the time, but it was still good to see them! The doctor told me to get off the pain pills as fast as I could, so I think I'll probably call him and ask if it's ok if I stop taking them. If I can get by on Tylenol that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
P.S. Everything went well, just in case I wasn't clear! I was so scared that my blood pressure went through the roof and the anesthesiolgist wouldn't put me under until I calmed down, but after that, it was smooth sailing. Now it's me minus nine pounds of tissue (that's right, nine freakin' pounds)!

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