Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stupid Pain Killers

It's been a week since my surgery and I am honestly surprised at how little I actually hurt. As long as I don't make any sudden movements and don't stretch my arms too far, the pain is pretty minimal. I've been taking pain killers a couple of times a day and they help, but they make me seriously loopy. And, it turns out that one of the side effects of the pain killers is insomnia, which would explain why I haven't slept in two days. Tonia and Helen came to see me yesterday and took me to lunch. I don't remember half of what I said, I'm pretty sure I sounded like an idiot most of the time, but it was still good to see them! The doctor told me to get off the pain pills as fast as I could, so I think I'll probably call him and ask if it's ok if I stop taking them. If I can get by on Tylenol that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
P.S. Everything went well, just in case I wasn't clear! I was so scared that my blood pressure went through the roof and the anesthesiolgist wouldn't put me under until I calmed down, but after that, it was smooth sailing. Now it's me minus nine pounds of tissue (that's right, nine freakin' pounds)!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick

So, the surgery is tomorrow. I'm am so scared right now. I'm at work, so that gives me something to distract my mind, but when I'm on my breaks all I can do is think about tomorrow, and I really feel like I'm gonna throw up. I know everything will be fine, but I can't help being scared. Deep breath - twenty four hours from now, it will be over and I'm never gonna regret it - ever.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good News/Bad News

Good news: no problems with the biopsy! Turns out it's just a cyst, which will hurt sometimes, but won't cause me any serious health problems. Whew! Bad news: no house, but I wasn't very hopeful on that front anyway. Just finishing up moving all of my crap into a storage unit and getting everything else to my parents' house before my surgery. I've got almost everything packed up, I just need help moving the bigger furniture out because I don't have a truck. Jason said he would help me, so it shouldn't take too long. The closer I get to the actual day, the more nervous I'm getting, but I just keep telling myself that I'm doing to make myself feel better. It's gonna pay off, I know it.