Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Only Thing We Have to Fear...

I am afaid of the water - this is something that I have been working on overcoming. Just to clarify, I'm not afraid of running water, I am afraid of standing water, water that has the ability to close in over my head and drown me. That is that kind of water that I am afraid of.
The only time I can remember being close to actual, uncontrollable panic was a few years ago when I fell off a jet ski and into unfathomable depths of Bear Lake (ok, I'm sure it's fathomable, but at the time it may as well have been the middle of the Pacific). Feeling myself losing control was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Even with a life jacket on it felt as if something was pushing me down and intended to hold me under. Fortunately, the feeling didn't last long, but it lasted long enough.
As I said, I have been working on overcoming this fear. Telling myself, 'it's only water, it's only water, it's only water,' again and again to try and quell the panic rising through my stomach, to my chest, and into my throat. I haven't managed to will myself into water that is over my head without restraining my body with the overactivity of my brain, but I imagine I shall get there someday. Besides, I have other, more terrifying things to be afraid of - like the dark. That, I am afraid, there is no cure for. That is a fear that I will never overcome.

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