Saturday, June 24, 2006

Bloggy Blog Blog

There probably isn't anybody who will be reading this blog, but I'll be posting my thoughts here, mostly for my own mental relief, and sometimes for my own amusement. I have found something interesting about myself (well, something that I think is interesting because I never realized it before). I like words - for a lot of different reasons. Some words I like because of the meaning behind them, sometimes I like words for the history behind them, and I like some words just because of the way the sound when you say them.
The ability to take a group of words, sort them, order them, and make them into a logical statement, thought, expression etc., is something that I find fascinating about humans. Changing one word in a sentence can change the entire meaning. Changing the tone of your voice when you say one word can change the meaning and convey an entirely different intent to the person who is listening.
However, it isn't the intent behind a word that interests me, it is simply the word itself that catches my interest. Here are some of the words that I like:
staccato - the way the word is said sort of demonstrates the meaning
bombastic - I just like to say this word
scramble - 'to move with urgency or panic', 'to struggle eagerly or unceremoniously for possession of something' - I like these two meanings in particular
wings - I wish I could fly
envelope - pronounciation is key (or is it?)
I am always listening and looking for new words - I like to find words that I can't pronounce so that I can butcher them before I look up the actual pronounciation in the dictionary. OK, I'm a geek, I'll stop now.

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