Wednesday, August 9, 2006

What is it with people?

Why do people assume that I am unaware of my physical appearance? Is there something in my face that conveys the idea that I am stupid, or deaf? Perhaps this would not bother me so much if it hadn't happened more than once, but there have been quite a few occasions when a person (or people) - that I do not know - will make comments about my appearance - my weight, my face, anything is fair game - and they obviously don't care if I hear them. Do these people think that I need them to point out the things that are wrong with me? Do they think that I don't look at myself in a mirror every day and realize how ugly I am? I KNOW that I weigh too much, I KNOW that I will never win a beauty contest with the face that I have. It's not like I don't care about how I look - I do the best I can with what I've got - but I'm smart enough to realize where the line is between trying to improve my looks and trying too hard. When I say that I am ugly I am not fishing for compliments and I do not suffer from low self-esteem - my self-esteem is actually pretty balanced, I recognize the good and the bad things about myself, the things that I want to change and the things that I can do nothing about. I can't change my face - ok there are ways, but I refuse to do anything drastic. I'm ok with who I am because, believe it or not, there are people who love me in spite of what I look like, and that is enough for me. It's enough for ME. Why can't people just shut up and let it be enough for them?